Microsoft 365 Data Backup
Microsoft 365 Data Backup is an essential to protecting your SaaS Data. Datto Backupify for Microsoft 365 is the leading cloud-to-cloud backup solution, offering an all-in-one backup,
search, restore and export solution for Office 365. Backupify ensures that companies can access, control,
and most importantly, own the data they entrust to the cloud.
As companies increasingly move data into cloud-based applications, many think traditional IT best
practices are outdated. After all, a SaaS application is always available, accessible from anywhere and
highly redundant, so why is a backup necessary?
The truth is even data in cloud-based applications is vulnerable to:
• Virus or ransomware damage
• End-user deletion
• Operational errors such as accidental data overwrite
• Lost data due to a canceled account subscription
• Malicious end-user activity
• Misbehaving application workflows
• Hard disk or storage damage
How vulnerable is cloud-based application data? An astonishing 1 in 3 companies report
losing data stored in cloud-based applications. Gone. Lost. Forever.
Clearly, best practices like data backup are just as important in the cloud as in traditional on
premises IT systems.

Trusted Backup
Rest assured that Microsoft 365 data backup operates with high-performance cloud-to-cloud
backup infrastructure. Spend more time on business and less time managing backups.
• 3x/day backup: Rest easy with Datto Backupify’s automatic 3x/day backup for Office 365’s
Exchange, OneDrive, and SharePoint.
• On-demand backup: Perform additional backups as needed at any time. Running an on demand
backup will not affect the three regularly scheduled backups.
• Office 365 Backup notifications: Get notifications at a glance, right on the dashboard, about all backup
• Infinite Cloud Retention: Store an unlimited amount of data in the Datto Cloud forever for a
small incremental expense.

Effortless Restore
Save business downtime with a non-destructive restore process. Quickly identify and
recover individual items or entire sites without overwriting existing information.
• Advanced search capabilities: Easily find data with advanced search option and restore